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GeanyPG is a plugin for Geany that allows the user to encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG.


After installed successfully, load the plugin in Geany's plugin manager and a new menu item in the Tools menu will appear.

If any text is selected, only the selected text will be encrypted/ signed/decrypted. When encrypting a message you can choose to sign at the same time. If a passphrase is needed, the GPGME library will decide how the user is prompted. Usually this will use gpg-agent. If gpg-agent is disabled, pinentry (see man 1 pinentry) will be used.


You can checkout the current source code from the Subversion repository at Get the code from:

svn checkout

If you want to create a patch, please respect the license of GeanyPG as well as intellectual property of third parties. Patches that should be included to the default distribution must be licensed under the same conditions as GeanyPG by the copyright owner (GPL2+).

Known issues

At the moment, the use of pinentry is only supported on unix-like systems. On Windows gpg-agent has to be used.

For more recent information all reported issues will be tracked at


GeanyPG and all its parts is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license can be found in the file COPYING included with the source code of this program. If not, you will be able to get a copy by contacting the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Bugs, questions

If you found any bugs or want to provide a patch, please contact Hans Alves (alves(dot)h88(at)gmail(dot)com).