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MultiTerm is similar to Geany's built-in VTE terminal except that it supports multiple terminals in tabs and supports different shells in each of the terminal tabs.


MultiTerm depends on the very common VTE library (libvte). In order to compile the MultiTerm plugin you will need the development files for the VTE library.

MultiTerm is written in Vala and so requires that you have the Vala compiler (valac) installed as well as your existing C compiler.


For detailed instructions, see the INSTALL file of the Geany-Plugins package this plugin is part of.


While the user-interface of the plugin will soon be completely revamped, at present it adds a new tab to the message area which contains the notebook for the Terminals. You can add terminals by clicking on the plus button to the right of the tabs and you can close terminals by clicking the tab's close button.

The configuration file is also going to change a fair bit soon, but it is stored at ~/.config/geany/plugins/multiterm/multiterm.conf and can be tweaked to change the behaviour of the plugin. Eventually there will be a GUI to control the preferences, but for now it's just this file.

Note that until at least the first release of the MultiTerm plugin the configuration file will not be backwards-compatible, so you should transfer your settings to a new default configuration file whenever rebuilding from source. Moving the old config file out of the way will cause a new default config file to be written in its place.


MultiTerm is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with WebHelper. If not, see <>.


You can email me at <matt(at)geany(dor)org>, and I may also be on the #geany channel on FreeNode, under the codebrainz nickname.

Bug reports and feature requests

To report a bug or ask for a new feature, please use the Geany-Plugins tracker on SourceForge: